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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

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Howdy, eyes wide open [ 

German Victims 

Rape, Robbery, Torture, and Murder of 
Tens of Millions of Innocent Germans 

\ / 1 /^7 I J vi/t jf y 

I / f A 1 i yl/ if f A/ 

V l/WV t/f r toT 

p Dnti: 

Pictures Deutschland 1900 Please note! Achtung Liebe Germanen! Deutsche Seiten Aktuell*New June 2016 Treason- Verrat 

Expulsion and Slaughter in the East*Austreibung und Schlachten im Osten White... How Long? Weiss Jews*Must Know*English 
Allied Crimes-Alliierte Verbrechen Defamation-Verfemung U.S. -Jewish Law to kill Christians! Cured of Cancer All Israelis! Gentiles Must Die! 

Free Speech-Various Concentration Camps-Konzentrationslager Jewish Suicide Prescription Kangaroo Court*Scheingericht Nuernberg 
Aryan-Kings*Arier Gott Adolf Hitler Engl.-Deutsch Joseph Goebbels Nationalsozialisten*Nazis Communism America+ Real Holocausts 
False Jewish Holocaust U.S.A. Der Falsche Holocaust Juedisch-Alliierte Intrige WAR! KRIEG! Allies-Aliierte 
Denkmal Deutscher Soldaten und Zivilisten BRD - Gegen das Volk Jews-Juedische Verbrecherbanden 

<— Schafft die Weisse Rasse Ab-lgnatiev Rassenschande-Metapedia — > 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessaryl-lgnatiev 

Posted on Mav 31 . 2016 by eves wide open 

As expressed by J ewish Harward Professor Noel Ignatiev in the Early 1990s. 

hi '.len Liiehren iii.ilJl insuker nieku bckanul: 

Was die futircmkri Juden tatsachlkh 
mil den Luropatschcn VolktTn vurhaben 

- Iiji I J‘i die wt illi R;is^' nb 
-oi it alien notwencligen 1™^ imi 

“Gesiegt” - Paul Herrmann 

http://www.germanvietims.eom/2016/05/3 l/abolish-the-white-race-by-any-means-necessary-ignatiev/[6/19/2016 2:56: 17 PM] 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary 

The white race is a historically constructed social formation - historically 
constructed because (like royalty) it is a product of some people’s responses to 
historical circumstances; a social formation because it is a fact of society 
corresponding to no classification recognized by natural science. 

The white race cuts across ethnic and class lines. It is not coextensive with that 
portion of the population of European descent, since many of those classified as 
“colored” can trace some of their ancestry to Europe, while African, Asian, or 
American Indian blood flows through the veins of many considered white. Nor 
does membership in the white race imply wealth, since there are plenty of poor 
whites, as well as some people of wealth and comfort who are not white. 

The white race consists of those who partake of the privileges of the white skin in 
this society. Its most wretched members share a status higher, in certain respects, 
than that of the most exalted persons excluded from it, in return for which they 
give their support to the system that degrades them. 

The key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race. 
Until that task is accomplished, even partial reform will prove elusive, because 
white influence permeates every issue in U.S. society, whether domestic or 

Advocating the abolition of the white race is distinct from what is called “anti- 
racism.” The term “racism” has come to be applied to a variety of attitudes, some 
of which are mutually incompatible, and has been devalued to mean little more 
than a tendency to dislike some people for the color of their skin. Moreover, anti- 
racism admits the natural existence of “races” even while opposing social 
distinctions among them. The abolitionists maintain, on the contrary, that people 
were not favored socially because they were white; rather they were defined as 
“white” because they were favored. Race itself is a product of social 
discrimination; so long as the white race exists, all movements against racism are 
doomed to fail. 

The existence of the white race depends on the willingness of those assigned to it 
to place their racial interests above class, gender or any other interests they hold. 
The defection of enough of its members to make it unreliable as a determinant of 
behavior will set off tremors that will lead to its collapse. 

RACE TRAITOR aims to serve as an intellectual center for those seeking to 
abolish the white race. It will encourage dissent from the conformity that 
maintains it and popularize examples of defection from its ranks, analyze the 
forces that hold it together and those which promise to tear it apart. Part of its 
task will be to promote debate among abolitionists. When possible, it will 

Bayrische Reichspolizei 
Trauermarsch Opera Saul 

00:00 ■ 00:00 

Tiere ltigen nicht 





| Select Category 


I Select Month 

Satanic Symbol of the Upper 
Grade Freemasons, Bisexual, 
Called Bophemat; The 
‘Skulls and Bones Initiation’ 
is Sodomizing new Members 
in a Coffin! Satanic! We can 
expect our lives to get much 

http://www.germanvictims.eom/2016/05/3 l/abolish-the-white-race-by-any-means-necessary-ignatiev/[6/19/2016 2:56: 17 PM] 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

support practical measures, guided by the principle, Treason to whiteness is 
loyalty to humanity. Dissolve the club 

The white race is a club, which enrolls certain people at birth, without their 
consent, and brings them up according to its rules. For the most part the members 
go through life accepting the benefits of membership, without thinking about the 
costs. When individuals question the rules, the officers are quick to remind them 
of all they owe to the club, and warn them of the dangers they will face if they 
leave it. 

RACE TRAITOR aims to dissolve the club, to break it apart, to explode it. Some 
people who sympathize with our aim have asked us how we intend to win over 
the majority of so-called whites to anti-racism. Others, usually less friendly, have 
asked if we plan to exterminate physically millions, perhaps hundreds of 
millions, of people. Neither of these plans is what we have in mind. The weak 
point of the club is its need for unanimity. Just as the South, on launching the 
Civil War, declared that it needed its entire territory and would have it, the white 
race must have the support of all those it has designated as its constituency, or it 
ceases to exist. 

Elsewhere in this number, readers will find an account of John Brown’s raid on 
Harpers Ferry and some of the events it set in motion. Before the Civil War, the 
leading spokesmen for the slaveholders acknowledged that the majority of white 
northerners, swayed above all by the presence of the fugitive slave, considered 
slavery unjust. The Southerners also understood that the opposition was 
ineffective; however much the white people of the north disapproved of the slave 
system, the majority went along with it rather than risk the ordinary comforts of 
their lives, meager as they were in many cases. 

When John Brown attacked Harpers Ferry, Southern pro- slavery leaders reacted 
with fury: they imposed a boycott on northern manufactures, demanded new 
concessions from the government in Washington, and began to prepare for war. 
When they sought to portray John Brown as a representative of northern opinion, 
Southern leaders were wrong; he represented only a small and isolated minority. 
But they were also right, for he expressed the hopes that still persisted in the 
northern population despite decades of cringing before the slaveholders. Virginia 
did not fear John Brown and his small band of followers, but his soul that would 
go marching on, though his body lay a-mould’rin’ in the grave. 

When the South, in retaliation for Harpers Ferry, sought to further bully northern 
opinion, it did so not out of paranoia but out of the realistic assessment that only 
a renewal of the national pro-slavery vows could save a system whose proud 

Recent Posts (of 1050 Total) 

■ The End: Horrific Electromagnetic 
Weapons Capable of Mass 
Genocide of Citizens 

■ Ende der Menschlichkeit und der 
Menschheit: Grauenhafte 
Mikrowellenwaffen Gegen die 

■ WirWerdenGezieltVergifted? 

Das dachte ich schon lange! 

■ What Benjamin Franklin Said 
About the J ews*Deutsch*English 

■ Fliegerin Hanna Reitsch-Honsik 

■ Robert Faurisson 

■ Prof. Hellmut Diwald*Revisionist- 
Deutsch- Honsik 

■ Prof. Arthur Butz 
Revisionist*Deutsch- English 

■ J ude Burg: Zionistische 
Verschwoerung gegen 

■ Alois Brunner die Rechte Hand 
von Eichmann Wusste Nichts von 

■ Es Geht Nicht Mit Rechten Dingen 

■ J ewish Co- Responsibility for 
J ewish Persecution in 1941- 

■ A Star of Destiny Sees Horst 

■ Germanische Sittengesetze: 
Freiheit, Tapferkeit, Opfer. . . 

■ Deutschland ist eine 

■ Sogenannte Offenkundigkeit des 

■ The J ewish Mongrelizaton Dictate 

■ Denken Macht Frei*Bernhard 

■ Des Teufels Plan*Rigolf Hennig 

■ "Gestaendnisse" der Deutschen in 
Nuernberg Unter Folter oder 

■ The Civil War in the U.S.*A Jewish 
Project To Destroy the Anglo- 
Sachsens- Klassen 

■ J ews Are Supremely Organized 
Against Us- Klassen 

http://www.germanvictims.eom/2016/05/3 l/abolish-the-white-race-by-any-means-necessary-ignatiev/[6/19/2016 2:56: 17 PM] 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

facade concealed a fragile foundation. By the arrogance of their demands, the 
Southern leaders compelled the people of the north to resist. Not ideas but events 
were in command. Each step led inexorably to the next: Southern land-greed, 
Lincoln’s victory, secession, war, blacks as laborers, soldiers, citizens, voters. 
And so the war that began with not one person in a hundred foreseeing the end of 
slavery was transformed within two years into an anti- slavery war. 

It is our faith - and with those who do not share it we shall not argue - that the 
majority of so-called whites in this country are neither deeply nor consciously 
committed to white supremacy; like most human beings in most times and 
places, they would do the right thing if it were convenient. As did their 
counterparts before the Civil War, most go along with a system that disturbs 
them, because the consequences of challenging it are terrifying. They close their 
eyes to what is happening around them, because it is easier not to know. 

At rare moments their nervous peace is shattered, their certainty is shaken, and 
they are compelled to question the common sense by which they normally live. 
One such moment was in the days immediately following the Rodney King 
verdict, when a majority of white Americans were willing to admit to polltakers 
that black people had good reasons to rebel, and some joined them. Ordinarily 
the moments are brief, as the guns and reform programs are moved up to restore 
order and, more important, the confidence that matters are in good hands and 
they can go back to sleep. Both the guns and the reform programs are aimed at 
whites as well as blacks - the guns as a warning and the reform programs as a 
salve to their consciences. 

Recently, one of our editors, unfamiliar with New York City traffic laws, made 
an illegal right turn there on a red light. He was stopped by two cops in a patrol 
car. After examining his license, they released him with a courteous admonition. 
Had he been black, they probably would have ticketed him, and might even have 
taken him down to the station. A lot of history was embodied in that small 
exchange: the cops treated the miscreant leniently at least in part because they 
assumed, looking at him, that he was white and therefore loyal. Their courtesy 
was a habit meant both to reward good conduct and induce future cooperation. 

Had the driver cursed them, or displayed a bumper sticker that said, “Avenge 
Rodney King,” the cops might have reacted differently. We admit that neither 
gesture on the part of a single individual would in all likelihood be of much 
consequence. But if enough of those who looked white broke the rules of the 
club to make the cops doubt their ability to recognize a white person merely by 
looking at him or her, how would it affect the cops’ behavior? And if the police, 
the courts, and the authorities in general were to start spreading around 
indiscriminately the treatment they normally reserve for people of color, how 
would the rest of the so-called whites react? 

How many dissident so-called whites would it take to unsettle the nerves of the 
white executive board? It is impossible to know. One John Brown - against a 
background of slave resistance - was enough for Virginia. Yet it was not the 
abolitionists, not even the transcendent John Brown, who brought about the mass 
shifts in consciousness of the Civil War period. At most, their heroic deeds were 

■ Missing Ch. 2 of "200 Years 

T ogether"Polish*English* Solzhen 

■ Know Your Enemy And How He 
Operates- Klassen 

■ Plan to Take Away Our Private 
Property, Freedom and 
Sovereignty- Klassen 

■ Kann es ein Verbrechen sein, 
Fragen zu stellen? J a. In 

■ Is Asking Questions About The 
Holocaust a Crime? In Germany 
It Is! 

■ There Is A Better Way For the 
White Race- Klassen 

■ Christianity and 
Communism*J ewish Twins- 

■ Mohammedanism*The Power of a 
Militant Religion- Klassen 

■ Uns Zu Beherrschen Und Zu 
Versklaven ist das Ziel!- Boyer 

■ Rassenschande-Metapedia 

■ Abolish The White Race By Any 
Means Necessary! -Ignatiev 

■ Schafft die Weisse Rasse Ab- 

■ Miscegenation: The Morality of 
Death- Pierce 

■ Rassenvermischung: Die Moral 
des Todes- Pierce 

■ J ude Papst Pius XII auf der Seite 
des Christenmoerder Stalins- 

■ Revisionist J uergen Graf 

■ Deutscher Revisionist Gerrnar 

■ The Sadism of Simon Wiesenthal- 

■ Das Gefecht um Erlach- Honsik 

■ Die Stimme der Ahnen- Soerensen 

■ The Elimination of Geniuses- gv 

■ Ich Bin Frei!-gv 

■ Definition of Satanism- Wagandt 

■ Der 

Rattenschwanz*T errorismusbeka 
empfimg-Euro Kurier 

■ Luege und Wahrheit ueber die 
Ursachen beider Weltkriege 

■ Das Konzept des Schurkenstaats 
Wird Geboren 

■ The Master Plan to Destroy 
Gentiles- Klassen 

■ The Incongruity of the J ewish 
God- Klassen 

■ Der Feind Verherrlicht Sein 
Huren, Taeuschen, Rauben und 
Morden Nach Seines Gottes 
Wille- Klassen 

■ The Enemy Glorifies His Whoring, 
Deceiving, Robbing, and 
Murdering Claiming It's His God's 
Will- Klassen 

■ Holocaust*J uden Keine Rasse und 
Kein Volk-NGvP 

■ Wi-Fi Danger*Gefahr-Meyl 

http://www.germanvictims.eom/2016/05/3 l/abolish-the-white-race-by-any-means-necessary-ignatiev/[6/19/2016 2:56: 17 PM] 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

part of a chain of events that involved mutual actions and reactions on a scale 
beyond anything they could have anticipated - until a war that began with both 
sides fighting for slavery (the South to take it out of the Union, the north to keep 
it in) ended with a great army marching through the land singing, “As He died to 
make men holy, let us fight to make men free.” 

The moments when the routine assumptions of race break down are the seismic 
promise that somewhere in the tectonic flow a new fault is building up pressure, 
a new Harpers Ferry is being prepared. Its nature and timing cannot be predicted, 
but of its coming we have no doubt. When it comes, it will set off a series of 
tremors that will lead to the disintegration of the white race. We want to be 
ready, walking in Jerusalem just like John. What kind of journal is this? 

RACE TRAITOR exists, not to make converts, but to reach out to those who are 
dissatisfied with the terms of membership in the white club. Its primary intended 
audience will be those people commonly called whites who, in one way or 
another, understand whiteness to be a problem that perpetuates injustice and 
prevents even the well-disposed among them from joining unequivocally in the 
struggle for human freedom. By engaging these dissidents in a journey of 
discovery into whiteness and its discontents, we hope to take part, together with 
others, in the process of defining a new human community. We wish neither to 
minimize the complicity of even the most downtrodden of whites with the 
system of white supremacy nor to exaggerate the significance of momentary 
departures from white rules. 

We should say that there are some articles we are not interested in publishing. 
Since we are not seeking converts, we probably will not publish articles which 
lecture various organizations about their racial opportunism. Also we probably 
will not publish articles promoting inter-racial harmony, because that approach 
too often leaves intact differential treatment of whites and blacks and provides 
subtle confirmation of the idea that different races exist independently of social 

In the original film version of ROBIN HOOD (starring Errol Flynn), the Sheriff 
of Nottingham says to Robin, “You speak treason.” Robin replies, “Fluently.” 

We hope to do the same. 

From Race Traitor no. 1 (Winter 1993) 

RACE TRAITOR * PO Box 499 * Dorchester, MA 02122 
4 issues: §20 individuals, §40 in&titut icaiS 
current, innucj §6 postpaid - 

Source: http:/ / abolish.html 

Boyer J ean-Die Schlimmsten Feinde Unserer Voelker 1979_ 104S 

■ Perfidious Ideas Implanted in Our 
Heads- Klassen 

■ Straw Man Agencies and Leaders 
Created by the J ews- Klassen 

■ Masters of Deceit and Destruction 
to Kill the White Race- Klassen 

■ Rassenmischung Fuehrt Zu 
Emotionalem und Biologischem 
Verfall- Berger 

■ Pilgerfahrt zum Vater Unseres 
Weissen Volkes-Lauck 

■ J uden Richten Sich Selbst-Rose 

■ OmnioeserVemichtuugsplander 
Voelker- Zanderbusch 

■ Die Schuld des Deutschen 
Widerstandes im 2. Weltkrieg- 

■ Wessen Ausrottungsplan War und 
1st Es Wirklich?- Zanderbusch 

■ Waffen SS-Degrelle*Deutsch- 

■ J udas Goat J ohn Birch Society- 

■ Satan's Smoke Has Made Its Way 
Into The Temple Of God- Piper 

■ Die Schlacht von Bautzen*Letzte 
Deutsche Panzeroffensive-wiki 

■ Martin Luther 1543:Von Den 

J uden Und Ihren Luegen Teil 2 

■ Martin Luther 1543:Von Den 

J uden Und Ihren Luegen Teil 1 

■ 8 . Mai 1945 Wenn Horror Fuer 
Deutsche Wahnsinnig Eskalierte- 

■ Document NI- 99 12 Disproves 
Nuremberg Accusations on 
ZyUon B-Faurisson 

■ Ausrottung der Germanischen 
Seele*Sowj etische 
Zone*Auszusondemde Deutsche 

■ Das ist der Tag Den Die J uden 

■ WerWaren Rosa Luxemburg Und 
Karl Liebknecht?-Thenn 

■ Das Eingepflanzte Irresein-Hennig 

■ Eisenhowers 8 Millionen 
Massenmord der Deutschen Nach 
Dem Krieg-Honigmann 

■ Will The U.S.A. End Up Like 
Venezuela?- gv 

■ Greece Battles the Snake of Zion- 

■ Himmlers Tod*Freitod oder 

■ Gnadenloser Bolschewistischer 
Blutrausch*Ein Auge 
Zugedrueckt- Manon 

■ Volkserhaltung*Ludendorff 

■ Sippenerhaltung*Ludendorff 

■ Selbsterhaltung*Ludendorff 

■ The Stockholm Syndrome of the 
Germans Schemed By the J ew- 
U SA Government- gv 

■ Mostly J ews Talking 

■ Indische und Deutsche Mythology 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

von J uden verfaelscht und ins 

This entry was posted in Bolshevism Bolshevismus . Communism Kommunismus . Ethnic cleansino-Sauberuno Neue Testament verwandelt?-gv 

Deutscher . Genocide . Jews-Juden . Race Rasse and tagged Aggression . Destroying America , ethnic cleansing . Human ■ High Treason*German Courts 

rights abuse . Jewish tvrannv . Racial Hate against Whites . World domination . Bookmark the permalink . Edit Support Protocols of Zion for 

Destruction of 

<— Schafft die Weisse Rasse Ab-lgnatiev Rassenschande-Metapedia — > Germans*Hafenmayer III 

■ Hochverrat*Deutsches Gericht 
unterstuetzt J udenprotokolle 
Vernichtung der 
Deutschen*Offener Brief 
Hafenmayer III 

■ KrebsvemieidungUndHeilung 
Und Was Ich Gelemt Habe-gv 

■ Essential Truths About 
WW2*Exposing the Lies- Gv 

■ Der Anglo- Amerikanische 
Kreuzzugs- Gedanke im 20. 

J ahrhundert-Hoggan 

■ J uden: "Die Deutschen Bis Zur 
Letzen Generation Beschulden!"- 

■ Sind Verbot von Anderen 
Heilungsmethoden im Krebs 

■ Ethnic Genetic Interests-J WH 

■ J ew- USA Government Kills 
Americans in Cold Blood- gv 

■ 404, 0 0 0 German- Americans put 
into Concentration Camps in the 

■ Satanische Verse der 
Welteroberung- Mahler 

■ American Civil War Was Planned 
by J ews to Acquire More Money 
and Power- Epperson 

■ Waffen-SS-Deutsch-Metapedia 

■ A Simple Rothschild Lesson- 

■ DieEuropaeischeAktion 

■ Communist Criminal Martin 
Luther King Glorified by U.S. 
Government- Strom 

■ How Americans Can be Sure their 
Government is Made Up of 
Deceivers- gv 

■ WastungegendieAusrotteraller 
Voelker?- Mahler 

■ Wer sind die Germanen?- 

■ Caucasians Heading for Extinction 
Unless. . .Millard 

■ Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV) 
Scam- Lambert 

■ Entgueltige Vernichtung der 
Entente Luegen-Kriegsschuld 
1914/ 17-Kunoth 

■ Das Allmaechtige Selbsttor der 

■ The Russian Bread Basket Was 

■ Der Russische Brotkorb War 

■ Der Fuehrer im Wahlkampf 24. 

■ Take Communism Seriously!- gv 

■ How the British Obtained the 
Confessions of Rudolf Hoss- 

http://www.germanvictims.eom/2016/05/3 l/abolish-the-white-race-by-any-means-necessary-ignatiev/[6/19/2016 2:56: 17 PM] 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 


■ HowJ ews Tortured Innocent 
Germans to Make Holocaust 

■ British Government Forces 
Atrocity Lies About Germans 

■ American Atrocities in the Courts 
in Germany*J udge Roden 

■ Solzhenitsyn on the J ews and 
Soviet Russia, Part 4 Vol. 2 

■ Solzhenitsyn on the J ews and 
Soviet Russia, Part 3 Vol. 2 

■ Solzhenitsyn on the J ews and 
Soviet Russia, Part 2 Vol. 2 

■ Solzhenitsyn on the J ews and 
Soviet Russia, Part I Vol. 2 

■ J uedisch- Russische und USA 
Kommunist Verbindung 

■ 100 Million Killed byj ewish 

■ J ewish Genocide in the USSR and 
Hindering the Truth 

■ Bestial Tortures in the J ewish 
Communist Holocaust 

■ J ewish Russian and USA 
Communist Connection 

■ 20 In the Camps of the 
GULag*Two Hundred Years 
T ogethei* Solzhenitsyn 

■ 18 During the 1920s*Two 
Hundred Years 

T ogethei* Solzhenitsyn 

■ 22 From the End of the WaUTwo 
Hundred Years 

T ogethei* Solzhenitsyn 

■ 4 In the Age of Reforms*Two 
Hundred Years 

T ogethei* Solzhenitsyn 

■ 5 After the Murder of Alexander 
II*Two Hundred Years 
Together* Solzhenitsyn 

■ White Americans Should Think 
Long and Hard 

■ Prussian Nights*Aleksandr 

■ What's A Life Worth to J ew Putin? 

■ NeueRegierungfuer 
Deutsche*Horst Mahler Teil 2 

■ Neue Regierung fuer 
Deutsche*Horst Mahler Teil 1 

■ Oberst Graf von Stauffenberg 

■ Pearl Harbor- Roosevelt's Infamy 
of Dec. 7, 1941 

■ Stauffenberg und das NKFD 

■ Freispruch fur General Otto Ernst 

■ War Hero Fled to Spain*Otto 
Ernst Remer 

■ Conspiracy and Betrayal Around 

■ Deutsche Gegen Deutsche unter 
Zions Regie 

■ Notes On The Legacy Of Woodrow 
Wilson And Franklin Roosevelt 

■ Entweder Weltherrscher oder das 

■ Die Tragikomische Geschichte der 

http://www.germanvietims.eom/2016/05/3 l/abolish-the-white-race-by-any-means-necessary-ignatiev/[6/19/2016 2:56: 17 PM] 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Britischen Heimwehr 

■ The Morgenthau Plan and the 
Problem of Policy Perversion 

■ Numberg oder die Falschmunzer 

■ Gehirnwasche fur die U SA: 
Britische Propaganda 1939-45 

■ Roosevelt und Seine 

■ Churchills Verrat an Rudolf HeB 

■ Das Roosevelt- Vermachtnis und 
der Fall Kent 

■ Churchill, Eisenhower, And De 
Gaulle*No Word About Gas 

■ Hundred Years of War Against 

■ Hundert J ahre Krieg Gegen 

■ Churchills Heuchelei*Krieg Gegen 

■ Churchill Ein Genie Das Nicht 

■ Churchill: The End of Glory 

■ Rabbi Rabinovich's Speech: War 
and White Destruction 

■ Rabbiner: AusrottungderWeissen 

■ Die UFO-Luge*Kunstliches 

■ Die Machtigste J udische 
Organisation der Welt 

■ 1st Amerika Seit 250 . 0 0 0 J ahren 

■ Scheidemanns Rede Gegen das 
Versaller 1919 

■ Stalins Volkermord in der Ukraine 

■ Britische Kriegsverbrechen 

■ Reprisals and Orders From Higher 
Up During War 

■ Verdrangte und Vertuschte 

■ Partisan War and Reprisal Killings 

■ Partisanenkrieg und 

■ Kriegsverbrechen der Anderen 

■ Ein neues Deutschland - 
Utopischer Entwurf 

■ Elie Wiesel*Renowned Con Artist 

■ Gerechter Friede? Israel 

■ WerWird Israel Zerstoren? 

■ Wir Sind Keine Amerikaner ! 

■ Palaestina 

■ Viel »Holocaust« Aber Keine 

■ Keine Beweise fuer Nazi- 

■ Die Zeugen der Gaskammem von 

■ Leuchter Report*Ende Eines 

■ Ein Prominenter Falscher Zeuge: 

■ Die Briten und das "Gestandnis" 
Rudolf Hoss 

■ War Crimes Trials 

■ The Subhuman 

http://www.germanvietims.eom/2016/05/3 l/abolish-the-white-race-by-any-means-necessary-ignatiev/[6/19/2016 2:56: 17 PM] 

Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Soviet Canabalism on German 

■ Ttie Anti- Wehrmacht Exhibition 

■ “German" Atrocities by Partisans 
in German Uniforms 

■ Crimes Committed on the German 

■ Deutsche Als Zwangsarbeiter 

■ Other Losses- Mass Murder of 
German Prisoners 

■ Churchill: Drench Germany With 
Poison Gas! 

■ Bombs on Britain 

■ Deutschland Deutschland Uber 
Alles Uber Alles in der Welt! 

■ H. Kardel*Ein Soldatenschicksal 

■ Never Forget! 

■ Niemals Vergessen! 

■ Anti Wehrmacht 
Ausstellung*Deutsches Leiden 

■ EinJuedischesWeltprogramm 

■ Die Ketten der Modemen Zeit 

■ Communist Country Germany 

■ Suicide of American Troops 

■ Rede Adolf Hitler zu den Soldaten 
11 Maerz 1945 

■ You Think We Have a Jew- 
Communist Government? 

■ Waco Burnout Revisited 

■ Leaderless Resistance 

■ A Holocaust to Hide the Real 

■ Udo Walendy Wahrheitskaempfer 

■ Audio File Collection 

■ Prof. Konstantin Meyl*Deutsch- 

■ Sandy Hook and Other Tricks 

■ Deceptive, Dangerous and 

■ Glory and Catastrophe*Rome*The 
White Race 

■ The Ugly American Dream 

■ Adolf Hitler Bought Us Time 

■ Muslim Religion Erfunden by 
J uden als Vemichtung der 

■ Mohammedanism Created by the 
J ews to Destroy the White Race 

■ Tales Only For Christians to 
Weave them Out of Existence 

■ Pimping, Robbing, Whoring, 
Murder- The Ways of "God's 

■ Spiritual Awakening- Ben Klassen 

■ Historische Tatsachen*Teils 

■ Gehen Wir Unter Wie Die Alten 

■ Die Englische Luegenpropaganda 
Gegen Deutschland 

■ Die J udengefahr in Deutschland 

■ Rudolf Hess: The Fuehrer's 

■ Extermination 

■ The Doom of Nations 

■ Official Auschwitz Records 1940- 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 


■ Dirty Little Secrets Of WWII 

■ Polen macht Mobil 

■ Genug mit der Volksvemichtung! 

■ Mass Rapes- Silvesterraub- und 

■ Das Kriminelle Merkel- System- 

■ WerVergasteWhen? 

■ In Deutschland Getoetet bei 

■ Chronik des Niedergang 

■ The Insanity of the J ewish Talmud 

■ “Holocaust 101" 

■ An International Criminal Gang Is 
Destroying Us 

■ Deutschlandvemichtung*Lange 
Schon Plan der J udenkirche 

■ Bible Hymns Of Our Aryan Kings 

■ Community 

■ The Enemy 

■ Culture 

■ Race 

■ Einmarsch der Soldaten Christi 

■ Wrath of the Awakened Saxon- 
Most Devastating Deception by 
the J ews-J ames 

■ Jews Killed All The German 
Babies in Palestine 

■ 70 J ahre Feinde im Land! 

■ Das ist Krieg: Mohammedaners 
Psycho Krieg Gegen Deutsche 

■ 200 Years Together - Chapter 2 

■ Rede 27. Feb. 1925 AH 

■ For the White Race 

■ Vorgeschichte 1. Weltkrieg 

■ Gegen die Gehimwaesche 

■ Kraft Durch Freude 

■ Die Besten Soldaten der Welt 

■ More American Murder Camps of 
German POWs-3 

■ American Murder Camps of 
German POWs-2 

■ SS Race Theory for Survival 

■ American Indians*The Truth 

■ Den Deutschen Vebietet Man die 

■ Hey Liberals! - Get a Taste of 

■ 1942 Call for Mass Murder of 

■ What Makes the J ews so 

■ The Governments are Run by 

■ J esuiten-J uden Plan: Vemichtung 
der Deutschen 6 (36) 

■ Durch Verfaelschung der Arischen 
Vorgeschichte das Deutsche Volk 
Vernichten 8 (38) 

■ Altgermanische Rassenlehre und 
Verbote 7 (37) 

■ "Feuer Frei Oder Wir Sterben 

■ Millions of J ews Shipped to 
Birobidjan, Russia*Putin Letter 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Confession of J ew Who 
Transported Millions of J ews to 
Birobidjan, Russia*Haverbeck 

■ Das T avistock- Institut der 

■ Millionen von J uden nach 


■ Wir brauchen eine Albert 
Schweitzer Weltanschauung zur 

■ Die Wahren Hintergriinde der 

■ Sie Kommen Euch zu Toten- Sgt 
Maj Page 

■ Weltraeuber*J uden, Briten und 

■ Talmudischer Hass und 

■ Gemeine und Schamlose 

■ Deutschland Muss Zerstoert 

■ Russlandfeldzug 

■ Hitlers Proklamation*Russland 

■ Stalin*Militaerischer 

■ Praeventivschlag Rettet Europa 

■ Soziale Erfolge im Reich 

■ Brief an Merkel - Trete Zurueck! 

■ Why Are All These Bad Things 

■ 'We T ake Down Whatever and 
Whomever We Want! " 

■ Notversorgung- und Verteidigung 

■ ErsterWeltkrieg 

■ In Grave Danger More Than Ever 

■ Welche Beweise Gibt Es fuer Den 
J uedischen Holocaust? 

■ Die J uden und der Kommunismus 

■ Zionistische HaSzentrale gegen 

■ Death Squads and International 
Gag Orders 

■ Mass Murderers Point Fingers To 
Distract From Their Crimes 

■ Jew Govmt. Blames and Torments 
Germans With a Gun to Their 

■ The Massacre by J ews In Spain 

■ Extreme Torture and Cruelties by 
the J ews 

■ J ews Planned Downfall of 
Christian Nations 

■ Esther the Whore Of Purirn 

■ It Won't Happen Here? It Did 

■ The Parasite Pt. 1 

■ Gentile Servants of the J ews Pt. 3 

■ The Biological J ew Pt. 2 

■ Deutsche Vor- Geschichtliche 
Fragen (1) 

■ J esus ein Deutscher Koenig 
GehaBt Bei Den J uden 

■ German Pre- Historic Questions ( 1) 

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■ J esus a German King- Hated by the 

■ If You Can't Hear the Drums of 
War You Must Be Deaf 

■ Nicht Schuldig in Niimberg 

■ Senator J oseph McCarthy 

■ Complete Guide to Killing Non- 

■ Scalar Waves Used to Control Us 

■ Lubavich J ews Setting Up 

■ Murdering Goyim For World 

■ Vemichtung der GroBen eines 

■ Ordeals of German women 1944- 

■ Pentagrams*Pentagon*Freemason 

■ Michael Walsh*Truth Historian 

■ Aufstieg*Bolshevismus zur 

■ No Potato Famine In Ireland! It 
Was Genocide! 

■ Cristopher Bollyn*Solving 9 11 

■ Alttestamentarische Racheteufel 

■ Grausamkeit an Nichtbolsheviken 

■ Morgenthau*Vemichtung Der 

■ Hass Anstatt Frieden- Qual Anstatt 

■ Die Schuld am Zweiten Weltkrieg 

■ Der Geheime Zugriff auf unsere 

■ The Bottom Line About Germany 

■ WirWollenGleichberechtigung 
und Unsere Ruhe AH 

■ Kampf um Frieden und Ehre 

■ Warum Austritt aus dem 
Voelkerbund? AH 

■ Keine Gleichberechtigung fuer 
Deutschland - AH 

■ The World According To Jews 

■ Was Hitler Ueber Das Volk Sagte 

■ Was Hitler Ueber Die 

J uden/ Marxisten Sagte 

■ What Hitler Said About the Jews 
and Marxists 

■ Das J udentum Entdeckt Amerika 

■ Kriegshetze gegen Deutschland 

■ "Befreit" durch Vergewaltigung 

■ Anne Frank Diary a Hoax 

■ Verdrehung Der Deutschen 

■ Score without Lie Propaganda? 

■ Wie Stuenden Diese Leute Da? 

■ Horst Mahler 

■ In 70 Years No Forensic Proof- 

■ There is a Death Chip? 

■ Paralysis Of The Will To Live 

■ Liars, Murderers, Rats, and 

■ Von Was Wurden die Deutschen 
Wirklich Befreit? 

■ In An American Death Camp 

■ Literatur - Literature 

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■ Hitler spricht vor Studenten 

■ 12 Die Erste Entwicklimgszeit AH 

■ 03 



■ 02DerStaatAH 

■ 01 Weltanschauung und Partei AH 

■ Die Verheimlichung von Luthers 
J udenwarnungen- 

■ Death of Benito Mussolini 

■ Auspluenderung Seit 1918 AH 

■ Genozide of the Germans in 

■ 5 Bio- Naturgesetze- Krebs Heilung 

■ 5 Biological Laws- Cancer Cure 

■ World Terrorist USA 

■ J ewish World Order! 

■ Morden unserer Schoepferischen 

■ Martin Luther on the J ews 

■ U. S. Overthrow Planned Decades 

■ Nuremberg Purirn Feast 

■ Faschismus*Engl . - Deutsch 

■ Angebliche Brutalitat des 
deutschen Heeres 

■ Wer mordete die J uden im Osten? 

■ Stalins Morder in deutschen 

■ Amis auf Kinder* Tiefflieger 

■ First 6 Million Claims in WWI 

■ U. S. Verstoesse im Endkampf 

■ On Love- Von der Liebe 

■ AH Speech July 19, 1940 

■ American Murder Camps of 
German POWs- 1 

■ Who Brought the Slaves to 

■ J udenprozesse in Deutschland 

■ Meine Lieben Patienten!*Dr. 

■ Mad American Killers 

■ Die Erb- Suendenlehie und 

■ Vorderasiatischer 

■ Religion in Nazi Germany 

■ Verbrechen Mehrerer Laender 

■ Mehr Polnische Grausamkeiten 

■ Mehr Tschechische Verbrechen 

■ Englische Grausamkeiten 

■ Jews Destroying America 

■ Are you willing to be Plundered? 
Yes or No?! 

■ U.SA. is NOT a Democracy 

■ Der J udens Voelkermord Plan 

■ Volksmord Deutschlands 

■ Rothschilds 

■ DieHakenkreuz-Luege! 

■ Leidensweg Deutscher Frauen 

■ Grausamkeiten der Franzosen 

■ Detaillierte 

■ Michael Collins Piper Exposing 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

the J ews 

■ Grausam*Anri-Gefangenschaft 

■ Plots and Plans of the J ews 

■ Deutsche Zwietracht 

■ Tell Our People About the 

■ Dr. Mohr: Keine Unheilbare 

■ J ewish Tyranny in Germany*HC 

■ Holding us for Fools*I SI S 

■ Christ was not a J ew 

■ Mitmachen! Aktion gegen Krieg 

■ Deutsche U-Boote*2. Weltkrieg 

■ False Flag Fatigue 

■ A Giant Cloud of Fear 

■ Swindling our Children 

■ The Gay Plague 

■ Nietzsche*English 

■ Ziel von Multikulti 

■ National Socialism Will Rise Again 

■ Die Ur- schuldigen am Weltkriege 

■ The Person Adolf Hitler 

■ Waren Sieje in Auschwitz? 

■ Alliierte Buecher Zensur 

■ J udenparadies Deutschland 

■ Rasse und Wirtschaft 

■ U.S. Gesetz: Toete die Christen! 

■ Executed for Thought Crimes 

■ J udenrolle im 1. und 2. Weltkrieg 

■ Schicksal Deutscher Kriegskinder 

■ How Hitler Tackled 

■ DerWeg? 

■ Toedliches Wissen 

■ Jews Can Say Anything! 

■ Mann mit voll gewaschenem 

■ 8 . Mai Kam die Hoelle 

■ Extermination 

■ Reinhold Elstners Freitod 

■ Allied Atrocity Propaganda 

■ Juden Sagen Was SieWollen 

■ Shocking Truth*Sandy Hook 

■ Trayvon Martin*Fraud 

■ Boston Marathon Truth 

■ Defamation*Subjugation*Perversi 

■ Alexander Wagandt*Deutsch 

■ Fluoride is Poison 

■ Jews Run China*Taking Over U.S. 

■ J ews Own the Media 

■ Jews Looting America 

■ Corporations Own the 

■ Christian Zionism is our Death 

■ U.S. A J ewish Police State 

■ Jews Hate All Gentiles and 

■ U.S. has a Communist 

■ The Black Race 

■ Population Extermination 

■ Examining Anti- Semitism Charges 

■ Hunting Down Truth Speakers 

■ Forensic Examination Auschwitz 

■ Sinking of the Cap Arcona 

■ Luegen ueber den Zeppelinkrieg 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Oh, Du Undankbares Kanada! 

■ Eighty Years of Infamy 

■ Alfred Rosenberg 

■ Ungereimtheiten*Germanwings 

■ Verrat am eigenen Volk 

■ Dealing in Hate 

■ German Awakening 

■ Horst Mahlers Osterbotschaft 

■ Auschwitz Orders by Hoess 

■ Die Faelscher Zerstoeren Uns 

■ Hinter Stacheldraht in 

■ Boesartige Handlungen 

■ Acts of Malice 

■ Versailles Zahlungen 1923 

■ Operation Keelhaul- English 

■ Pilot Speaks on Germanwings 

■ Sudetenland Gestohlen 

■ Schlesien Gestohlen 

■ Hoax “Scholar" Self- Debunked 

■ Das Kranke Germanenherz 

■ Torture Murder of Sudeten 

■ Genozid 

Deutscher*T schechoslowakai 

■ Fate*Minorities in Poland 

■ Deutschland und der Korridor 

■ Der Tod in Polen 

■ Death in Poland 

■ Versailles Payments by 1923 

■ Deutschland und Polen 

■ Sudetenland*Tschechoslowakai 

■ Anschluss Saarland*Oesterreich 

■ RuestungundKriegsdmhung 

■ 6 Millionen Arbeitslose*Weimar 

■ VersaillerVertragund 

■ Wer Sich Nicht Wehrt Macht Was 

■ Bombenluegen Dresden 

■ Kommis Luxemburg und 

■ Frau Ursula Haverbeck 

■ Mind Control- Gedankenkontrolle 

■ Vincent Reynouard 

■ Bosnia Pyramids a History Threat 

■ Beweis*J aweh nur J udengott-ein 

■ Die Nordische Rasse 

■ Weltmacht Occult*Freimaurer 

■ 25 Punkte der NSDAP 

■ Destruction Urgently Wanted 

■ Zerstoerung ist Dringend Gewollt 

■ 25- Points Program of the NSDAP 

■ Lies threat to World Peace 

■ Zerstdrung des Rasseerbgutes 

■ Der Westfeldzug 1940 

■ VerbrechenanderWehrmacht 

■ What the Germans Gave You 

■ Auschwitz Augenzeugenbericht 

■ Murdered Heroes 

■ Whites Targeted for Elimination 

■ Anglo- German Dilemma 

■ Education 

■ Vemichtungswut an Deutschland 

■ Reich's Soldier Laws 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Ethnic Cleansing of Europeans 

■ Bombing of Hamburg 

■ J ewish Genocide of the Brits 

■ Soul Murder 

■ 70th Anniversary Dresden 

■ Ethnic Cleansing*Bombs 

■ Death Marches Germans in 

■ Typical Polish Atrocities 

■ Polish Atrocity Policies 

■ Polish German Situation Before 

■ Hoerbuch: Adolf Hitler Mein 
J ugendfreund 

■ Kriegstreiber 

■ The Secret Holocaust 

■ Dresden Eyewitness Account 

■ Horror! Organs - Organe 

■ Wir Sind die Geistige Kraft 

■ Historiker: Keine Gaskammem 

■ What are the Russians Hiding? 

■ Goal: Arrested Development 

■ Stillstand in der Entwicklung 
Bosheit Gleichheit 

■ The 911 Scam 

■ Kill the Best Gentiles 

■ Vergewaltigungeines Volkes 

■ A 14- Year Battle 

■ Hitler Y outh Movement 

■ Hitlerjugend Bewegung 

■ Formel zur Rettung der Welt 

■ Folterzellen QA 

■ Plan: Die Deutschen Ausrotten 

■ False Witness: ElieWiesel- 


■ Deutschland Tonvortraege 

■ Die J uden Regieren 

■ Heinrich Himmler*Deutsch 

■ Gen. Major Remer*English 

■ Where is the Fire Extinguisher? 

■ Gen. Major Remer*Deutsch 

■ 60 Million Photo Ops 

■ Die Welt in Flammen*PEGIDA 

■ Fraud*Holocoust Hist. Books 

■ PEGIDA- Warum? 

■ The T almud Unmasked 

■ Der Wille zum Krieg 

■ Deutsche Friedensangebote 

■ Flucht*Austreibung*Morden 

■ I'm no Holocaust Denier! 

■ Murderer of our Leaders 

■ 58 Countries Declared War 

■ Holohoax! FreeH. Mahler! 

■ Vendetta of the Partisans 

■ Blutrausch der Partisanen 

■ Vertreibung aus dem Osten 

■ Massenmorde im Osten 

■ Gefangene Polnische Offrziere 

■ Deutsche Alleinschuld? 

■ Der Erzwungene Krieg 

■ Deutsch- Polnische Politik 

■ Kriegsbeginn Polen 

■ Deutsche Wiederaufruestung 

■ 50 School Essays Deny Holocaust 

■ Schueler: Holocaust ist Erfrndung 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Message to the Allied Criminals 

■ Botschaft an die Verbrecher 

■ When American “Boys" go to War 

■ More Pics Germany 1900 

■ Die Grosse Luege 

■ Slaughterhouse 6 

■ It's the J ews. Stupid! ! ! 

■ Weihnachts- und 
Neujahrsbotschaft 2014 

■ The Jew Thrives in Secrecy 

■ Heimlichkeit Erfolg des J uden 

■ In a U.S. Death Camp 1945 

■ German Latin- American Internees 

■ 17 Brutal CIA Torture Facts 

■ SS Europa gegen den 

■ German- Americans' Fate WWI 

■ Forced to Build Gas Chambers 
After the War 

■ "Stolen" Art 

■ Mein Bruder Adolf Hitler 

■ My Brother Adolf Hitler 

■ What Happened to Us All? 

■ Wir Bauten Gaskammem Nach 

■ Satanismus Der Regierungen 

■ Annual Stormfront Conference 

■ AreJ ews Victims? 

■ Umerziehung 

■ Numberger Prozesse 

Jewish Torture-Murder Blood 
Rituals*White Children 


■ Ende der Menschheit: 
Elektronische Superwaffen 

■ Audio: Law Signed by Bush to Kill 
American Christians for Idolatry! 

■ Audio: 'They" did 911. 'They" did 

■ Video: The New World Order- 
Khazars (J ews) 

■ The Hidden Tyranny 

■ J ewish Hate Speech 

■ Video: Secret Special Forces in the 
U.S. To Kill us? 

■ Video: New World 
Order=Communism by the 

■ Video: J uden Chabad Lubawitch 
Planen Armageddon*Deutsch* 

■ Video: Population Extermination 
'We'll be put back in the ground 
where we belong" 

■ Video: Synagogue of Satan-The 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Plan for Us 

■ Audio: #19, 20 Protocols of the 
J ews for World Rule 

■ Audio: Warnings byj .F. Kennedy 

■ Hoer: Die Zionistischen Protokolle 

■ Audio: Protocols of Zion 

■ Chabad Lubavich J ews Setting Up 

■ The Coming of the New World 

■ Communist Goals 

■ The greatest genodders-J ews 

■ J ews and Communism 

■ Judengift 

■ Murder bei Inj ection 

■ Satanic Plan for Man 

■ DieVerborgeneTyrannai 

Long-range Planning: Jewish 
Execution Plan for American 
Christians Set into Law by 
Bush for Idolatry against the 
Jewish Talmud! Who’ll Get 
the Job? Muyslims? Wake up 

How the Jews Finagled to Get 
the Execution Plan for 
Christians Through 

00:00 ■ 00:00 



00:00 ■ 00:00 

Revisionists Who Are 
Fighting for Truth and Free 
Speech. All Have Been 
Severely Punished for 
“Thought” Crimes. 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

PreuBens Gloria - 

00:00 ■ 00:00 

More Revisionists at 

Maerz 24, 1933 - Hochverrat: 
Juden Erklaeren Krieg an 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 


Mr. Churchill's Withering 

Attack On Premier 


. 3 *' i *** 

TW Girt 



Laut Daily Express vom 24. 3. 1933 hartc das 
Judenrum gegen Deutschland - und nicht 
gegen Hitler - den ltrieg erklart. Auffillig ist, 
dafl im Text zwischen den L6wen (deni Sinn- 
bild des Judemums) nicht das linksdrehende 
Hakenkreuz dcr NSDAP (vgl. Hitlers Arm), 
sorvdern - wie in der Abb. 3 - das rechtsdrc- 
hende german isclic Sonne nkreuz verwendet 
wind. Die Knegserklirung gilt dahei - wie sich 
aus der Symbolsprache ergibt nicht Hitler 
und der NSDAP, sondern tatsachlich dem 
deutschen Volk. (Fortsetzung auf Seite 106) 

Das Judcntum crklart an Deutschland den Krieg 

Wesentliches ueber 

■ Video: Eine Reise durch das 
deutsche Kaiserreich 

■ Meine Meisten Deutschen Seiten 

■ Deutsche Vor- Geschichtliche 
Fragen (1) 

■ Altgermanischer Kampf mit den 
J uden*Atlantis Edda und Bibel 

■ Mein Kampf 

■ Politische Lage seit 18 71 

■ Voelkermord der Deutschen / 
Niederlaendischen Buren Sued 

■ Koloniale Schuldluege 

■ Welt Tyrann- England- Bagdad 

■ Was Deutschland an seinen 
Kolonien Verlor 

■ Endlosejuedisch-Englische 

■ Vorgeschichte 1. Weltkrieg 

■ Die Urschuldigen am Weltkriege 

■ Hoer:Ein Riessenverbrechen am 
Deutschen Volk 

■ 25 Punkte*Forderungen der 

■ 10 J ahre Versailles 

■ VersaillerVertragund 

■ Auspluenderung Seit 1918 AH 

■ Kriegshetzte^Voelkermorden 150 
J ahre 

■ Die Weisen von Zion- Ein Plan der 
Vemichtung der Freien 
Menschheit-Heute Sichtbar 

■ Weimarer Republik 

■ Die Schandvertraege 

■ Keine Gleichberechtigung fuer 
Deutschland - AH 

■ Warum Austritt aus dem 
Voelkerbund? AH 

■ Weltkampf um Ehre und Recht 

■ Hoer: Verbrechen am D. Volk 1921 

■ Versailles Zahlungen 1923 

■ Deutschlands Hyperinflation 1923 

■ Gesichter der J uedischen Soviet 

■ Hoer: Appel an die 

■ J uedische Kriegserklaerung an 
Deutschland 1933 

■ Hitler Hilft den J uden 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Hitlers 4-J ahres Plan 

■ Grenzland Deutschtum 

■ Deutsche Volksgruppe in Polen 

■ Deutschland und der Korridor 

■ Deutschlands Friedenswillen 

■ Englands Spiel mit Polen 

■ Hoer: Polen Will Krieg-J uchem 

■ Hoer: 1 Sept. Polen! Wir schiessen 

■ Hoer: Freihandel-WerWollte den 
Krieg? A.H. 

■ Rede Anschluss Oesterreich 

■ Hoer: Sportspalast Rede.mp3 

■ J uedsiche Kriegshetze in den USA 

■ Hoer: AH Ansprache an die 
Deutsche J ugend Sept. 1934 

■ Hoer A.H. : England Macht Krieg 
nur fuer Gott 

■ Hoer: Hitler Entlarved 
Kriegsmacher Roosevelt 

■ V.S. greifen Deutschland 
monatelangan in 1941 

■ Rede: Ursachen Russlandsfeldzug 

■ Praeventivschlag Rettet Europa 

■ J ude Kaufman: Deutschland muss 

■ J ude Kaufman: Plan die 
Deutschen zu sterilisieren 

■ J ude Morgenthau: Vemichtung 
der Deutschen 

■ Video: Geheimakte Rudolf Hess 

■ Hoer: AH Letzte Ansprache J an 45 

■ Rede Adolf Hitler zu den Soldaten 
11 Maerz 1945 

■ Hitlers Reden 

■ Udo Walendy-Historische 

■ Vemichtung der 
Deutschen*J esuiten-J udenplan 

Click die Stange- 
Deutschland Ueber Alles 

Auschwitz*Nurse even has 
head cover to prevent hair 
from getting into babies’ 
food. Anything evil you hear 
about the Nazis is pure 
fabrication. Please help to 
kill these lies. They are 
impacting German 
Americans terribly. 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 



■ Kann es ein Verbrechen sein, 
Fragen zu stellen? J a. In 

■ Is Asking Questions About The 
Holocaust a Crime? In Germany 
It Is! 


■ Why Did We Believe? 

■ Video: Holocaust als Politische 
Waffe- Horst Mahler 

■ Video: Breaking the Spell 

■ Video: German Villainy Myth 

■ Video: Panorama Interview- 

■ Video: Off Your Knees Germany! 

■ Video: German Military Punished 
Soldiers for Mistreatment of J ews 

■ Video: Dr. Faumsson Explains 

■ Video: Faurisson - Intro to 
Holocaust Revisionism 

■ Video: Gas Chamber Hoax 

■ Video: Did the Holocaust Happen? 

■ Victims of Zion 

■ ElieWiesel Cons the World 

■ Video: Auschwitz 

■ Made in Russia-The Holocaust 

■ DasWannsee-Protokoll- 
Anatomie einer Falschung 

■ Wannsee Protocol: Anatomy of a 

■ Deutsche! Buch Nicht Kaufen ! ! ! 
Video :Der Bann ist Gebrochen 

■ Video: Gerrnar Rudolf 

■ Video: Gewollter Holocaust 

■ Video: The Greatest Lie! 

■ Video: Hoax of the 20th Century 

■ Videos: Jew Cole exposes 

■ Video: Leuchter Crashcourse Pt. 1 

■ Video: Leuchter Crashcourse Pt. 2 

■ Video: Majdanek Gas Chamber 

■ Video: Treblinka Hoax 

■ Air Photos Evidence 

■ Auschwitz Luegen*Rudolf 

■ Debunking the Genocide Myth 

■ Der Falsche Holocaust 

■ Falsifications 

■ Fraud Anne Frank 

■ Hoax of the 20th Century 

■ Holocaust Deprogramming Course 

■ Welcome to Historical 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Holocaust Handbooks/ Movies 

■ J ahrhundertbetrug*Butz 

■ J ahrhundertprovokation 

■ Leuchter Reports*Critical 

■ Leuchter* "Vergasen'l 

■ Leuchter *'Vergasen"2 

■ Makaberster Betrug Aller Zeiten 

■ Nuemberg-A Crime! 

■ Nuernberg ein Verbrechen 

■ Official Auschwitz Records 1940- 

■ Rudolf Report "Gassing" 

■ Das Rudolf Gutachten Auschwitz 

■ Sanity for J anuaiy 27 

■ Soldat- Murdered Germans 
Claimed as J ews 

■ Tortured Confession*Hoess 

■ Zuendel- 'Holocaust" Deutsch 

Verbrechen an Deutschen 


■ Die Meisten Deutschen Seiten 

■ Video: Bautzen Totenbuch 

■ Video: Gedaechtnisstaette*Tod 12 
Millionen Deutscher Zivilisten 

■ Video: Hoellenstuim Deutsch 

■ Video: Toete die Buren- Kill the 

■ Hoer:Trauermarsch Musikkorps 
Sonate B-Moll Op. 35 

■ 1 Million Frauen verschleppt 

■ 40,000 Zu Tode Gebombt in der 

■ Alliierte Kriegsverbrechen 

■ Alliierte Verbrechen gegen 

■ Alliierter Raubzug 

■ Alttestamentarische Kapitulation 

■ Amerikanische Ungeheuer 

■ Belgische Ungeheuer 

■ Bombentod 1,000,000 

■ Britische Ungeheuer 

■ Daenen Ermorden 7000 Deutsche 

■ Denkmal Deutscher Soldaten 

■ Deutsche Opferzahlen 

■ Ermordet 1 Mill. + Soldaten 

■ Franzoesische Ungeheuer 

■ Der Geplante Tod 

■ Grausamkeiten an Deutschen 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ GroessterVoelkermord 

■ Hollaendische Ungeheuer 

■ J ugoslavische Ungeheuer 

■ KriegsendeVerbrechengegen 

■ Kriegserlebnisse Werner Weinlein 

■ Leidensweg Deutscher Frauen 

■ Macht gegen Recht 

■ MordDeutsch-Buren*Afrika 

■ Nicht Rache*Verbrechen 

■ Polnische Ungeheuer 

■ Russische Ungeheuer 

■ Schuld der Sieger 

■ Schwarzmeerdeutsche 

■ Schwindelfirma I. f. Zeitgeschichte 

■ Tschechische Ungeheuer 

■ USA KZs* fuer Deutsche - 

■ Verbrechen am Deutschen Volk 

■ Verbrechen an Deutschen 

■ Verein Gedachtnisstatte 

■ VergewaltigungundMord 

■ Verbrechen an der Wehrmacht 

■ Verschwiegene 

Schuld: Besatzungspolitik 

■ Verschwiegene Wahrheiten 

■ Voelkermord Buren Sued Afrika 

U.S. treatment of Germans - 
Nearly 2 Mill. German POWs 
murdered under Jew 
Eisenhower on Rhine 
meadows plus nearly 6 

Million Civilians after the War 

Treatment of German POWs 
by Brits and Jews 

This is How Germans Saluted 
French Losers 

Americans Scumbags 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Murdered Hundreds of 
Thousands of Surrendered 
German Soldiers 

We Germans Are the Most 
Honorable People-How 
Germans Treated Polish 
POWs. The Germans treated 
all enemies according to the 
Geneva Convention. Driven 
by Jewish War Makers, All of 
the Allies ignored the 
Geneva Convention and 
Became Brutal Beasts. . 

Gefangenenlager Arnswalde BiWmrtte 
Potmsc her Major Henry K Sucharski der 
Kommandant der polmschen Besatzungstruppen 
auf der Westerpiatte 

Polish prisoners of war captured by the Germans. 

Horrific Torture Murders 
Committed on Our German 
Soldiers and Civilians by 
men of all the Allied Forces, 
by Civilians, and Partisans, 
often Instigated or Led by 

Crimes Against Germans 

■ 404, 0 0 0 German- Americans put 
into Concentration Camps in the 

■ video- Hellstorm- English- 
Bombing of Germany 

■ After the Reich- book 

■ Allied War Crimes 

■ American Monsters 

■ British Monsters 

■ Crimes and Mercies- book 

■ French Monsters 

■ Genocide- 28000 White Boer 
Children South Africa 

■ Great Mourning on the Black Sea 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Gruesome Harvest- book 

■ Looting and Plunder 

■ Other Losses- book 

■ Russian Monsters 

Soviets Bastards driven by 
Jew llja Ehrenoff ripped 
babies from mothers on 
death marches, smashed 
them against the tank or wall. 

Then raped and killed the 

Over 2 Mill. German Women 
and girls gang-raped in the 
East at Impact of the troops. 
Millions more in the West. 
Jew llja Ehrenoff demanded 
with Military leaflet to rape 
the pride out of German 

women and kill them 

German Artists Herbert 
Smagon Depicts Torture and 
Rape of German Children 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

German Genius Dr. Ryke 
Geerd Hamer in Exile. His 
Greatest Discovery For 
Mankind is Used by the Jews 
and Forbidden by Doctors to 
Use in the West for Cancer. 

Dr. Lorraine Day Cured Her 


■ Dr. Day Reversed Her Cancer; You 
can too! 

■ Video - Bjorn Eybl - Die 
seelischen Ursachen Aller 

■ Die Neue Germanische Medizin 

■ Video: Israelis keine Bestrahlimg, 
keine Chemo sondem 
Germanische Neue Medizin*den 
Aerzten Verboten in Deutschland- 
Erfinder Dr. Hamer 

■ English- No Fear of Cancer; 
Deutsch- Keine Angst vor 

■ Dr. Hamer's Entdeckung: Das 1st 
Gar Kein Knochenkrebs! ! ! In 
Israel 98% Heilung. In 
Deutschland Tod. 

■ VortragUeber die Neue 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Germanische Medizin- Baumann 

■ No Fear of Cancer, any Illnes - 5 
Biological Laws 

■ English- Deutsch; Video: 5 
Biologischen Natnrgesetze-Dr. 
Hamer- Heilung fuer Alles 

■ Video: Frauenleiden, Krebs- 5 
Biologischen Naturgesetze- 

■ Your Bodys Natural Functions- 5 
Biological Laws English Subtitles 

■ Video: Dr. Simondni, Oncologist 
cure your Melanoma Yourself 

■ Video: Biologist: There is no H.I.V. 
virus! Medicine is genocide! 
Christl Meyer 

■ Frauen und Kinder Schicksale 
Film: H.I.V. Behandlungszwang 

■ Energiesparlampen machen Krank 
und Blind! 

■ Energiesparlampe=Genozid 

■ Handy und Wi- Fi Gefahr- Mobile 
Danger- German Only 

■ Video: Cancer a Fungus: Dr. Tullio 
Simondni, Oncologist, English- 
Francais- 1 taliano 

■ Videos: Dr. Simondni, Deutsch, 
multi- lingua, Krebs ein Pilz, 
Cancer a Fungus 

■ Videos, Simondni, Oncologist, 

■ Video: Haut Probleme Geloest 

■ Video: Magen Darm "Erkrankung" 
nur Aerger 

■ Video: Krankheit/ Heilung 
Verstehen*Neue Germanische 

■ Video: Frauenkrankheiten 
Geloest- Germanische Neue 

■ Video: Es gibt keine Ansteckung! 
Alles von Innen. 

■ Lorraine Day- Med. - Health and 

■ Psychiatry Scam 

■ Psychology Scam 

■ Health Page- Gesundheitsseite 


■ Law to Kill American Christians 

■ 200 Proofs the Earth Is Not a 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 


■ Arrest the Criminals- O Keefe 

■ Attack on SS Liberty 

■ Cancer Healed- Krebs Geheilt 

■ Chemtrails and your Brain 

■ Deutsch-GeldGeheimnisOz 

■ English- Deutsch: Court Session- 
Chemtrails- Shasta County 

■ The Eternal J ew in America 

■ High Crime USrael State 
Department #1 

■ High Crime State Dept. #2 

■ High Crime State Dept. #3 

■ High Crime State Dept. #4 

■ Infiltration of the Vatican 

■ J ewish Racism against Non-J ews 

■ Killing for Organs 

■ “Killing us softly" 

■ Mexico will invade USA? 

■ Murder by Money 

■ Muslim Demographics 

■ Pastor: The Zion Deception 

■ Pharma Brainkilling Scam 

■ Psychology Scam 

■ Secret War from the Sky 

■ The Secret of OzFinances 

■ They are Spraying Us! 

Eyes Open-Wach auf! 

■ Law to Kill American Christians 

■ 20 13 Witness to History 

■ Brutal Homosexuality Facts 

■ Hoer: Deutsche Edda 

■ Film: Der EwigeJ ude- English 
subtitles - Eternal Jew 

■ Exposing J ohn Birch Society 

■ Internationale J ude 1-Ford 

■ Internationale J ude 2- Ford 

■ J ewish Strategy- Oliver 

■ J ewish Suprematism Book 

■ MP3*J ewish Supremadsm-Duke 

■ Juedischer Extremismus-Duke 

■ Kill the Best Gentiles*Brunn 

■ Mein Kampf 

■ MP3*My Awakening- on 

■ The Nameless War 

■ Sieg der J uden schon 1879 

■ Talmud Geist-Pohl 

■ Truth for Germany 

■ We never hear of the 
Concentration Camps for 
Germans in the United States 

■ Wahrheit fuer Deutschland 

■ World's #1 Problem- Ford 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 


■ Audio: Law to Kill U.S. 

Christians! ! ! 

■ J ews Want to Exterminate the 
White/ German Race-German- 


■ Immigrationwatchcanada 

■ Video: Mein Name ist Deutschland 

■ Audio: Understanding the danger 
of race mixing 

■ Students for Western Civilization 

■ White Genocide South Africa 

■ Invasion of the White Nations 

■ Arische Geschichte 

■ My Awakening 

■ Rassenmischung-Adel- 
Coudenhove- Kalergie 

■ Rassismus Legal- derjuden 
Drittes Reich 

■ Treason to Whiteness! ! For 
Humanity! ! 

■ VolkundRasse 

■ Video European 

■ White Identity Blog 

■ White Genocide Worldwide 

■ White Racial Consciousness 

Some Videos and Audios 

■ Hoer! Altgermanische 
Vorgeschichte Gegen den Betrug 

■ Audio - Nature's Eternal Religion- 
The Deception of J udea- 

■ Video: Deutschland Ueber Alles 
mit Text 

■ Medienzensur in der 
Wissenschaft- Meyl 

■ Hitler Uncensored- Unzensiert 

■ Impersonation of Israel by the 
J ews- Religious Fraud 

■ Von der Waffezum Wrack 

■ Alexander Wagand 85, Pol. 

■ Alex. Wagandt 84, Pol. Analyse 

■ Legale Zwangsenteignung- 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ 911-Bombs in the Lobby 

■ Alexander Wagandt Deutsch 

■ Angela Merkel-J ewess-J uedin 

■ Chemtrails- Shasta- Deutsch- Engl. 

■ Communism by the Backdoor 

■ The Dark Agenda 

■ Der DunWe Dalai Lama 

■ Gerd Honsik Deutsch 

■ Grauenhafte Waffen 

■ Horst Mahler - J uden Tabu 

■ Israel's Sex Slave Trade 

■ The Man Who Fought the Bank 

■ Marching to Zion 

■ Miseducation of America 

■ One of The Greatest Lies! 

■ Opa ich vermisse Dich 

■ Revelations Deprogramming 

■ Verlogene Russlandsdeutsche 

■ Vemichtung der Freimaurerei 

■ Videos Audios Deutsch 

■ Videos Audios English 

■ War on Freedom- Duke 

■ Warum ist Atlantis ein Tabu 

■ Bosnian Pyramid 

■ Magen Darm "Erkrankung" durch 



■ Historische Tatsachen Serie 

■ 70 JahreLugundTrug 

■ GezielteVerfemung 

■ Grundlagen*Zeitgeschichte 

■ Luegenhetze 2. Weltkrieg 

■ Propagandaluegen 

■ Umerziehung 

■ VerboteneWahrheiten 

■ Verfemung 

■ Verfemung Band 6 - Scheidl 

■ Wahrheit f. Deutschland 

■ Wahrheit und Luege 

Hipp, hipp, hurra! Marschlied 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 


■ Law to Kill U. S. Christians! ! ! (Dr. 

■ pyccKHii 

■ CODOH Book and Video Store 

■ Buecher- Videos- frei, Deutsch, etc. 

■ Books- Videos- free, English, etc. 

■ Buecher, Artikel Deutschland in 
Geschichte und Gegenwart, VHO 

■ Deutsch, English, multi- lingua - 
Historical Revisionism, 

■ Gateway Scriptorium Free- Frei 

■ Revisionist Archive, Multi Lingua, 

■ Lese-Read Frei- Free 

■ Wer sucht der fmdet-frei VHO 

■ If you search for truth, you'll find 
it- free VHO 

■ Metapedia Encyclopedia Multi 

■, English, Deutsch, 
multi- lingua 

■ Historische Zeitungen*Ehrlich? 

■ Hoeberbuch*200,000 J ahre 

■ Scriptorium Deutsch- shop 

■ Scriptorium English- shop 

■ Barnes Review Shop 

■ Grabert-Hohenrain-shop 

■ Rules to Live By 

■ What Will You Tell Your Children? 

„Die Kleinen Liigen muB man verstecken - die 
gro&en nicht weil sie keiner glaubt." 

Header Pages 

■ Aktuell*New April 2016 

■ Aktuell*NewAug2015 

■ Aktuell*NewDec2015 

■ Aktuell*New February 2016 

■ Aktuell*NewJan-Feb 2015 

■ Aktuell*NewJ anuaiy 2016 

■ Aktuell*New J uly 2015 

■ Aktuell*NewJune2015 

■ Aktuell*NewJune2016 

■ Aktuell*New Mar- Apr 2015 

George W. Bush 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Aktuell*New March 2016 

■ Aktuell*New May 2015 

■ Aktuell*New May 2016 

■ Aktuell*New Nov- Dec 2014 

■ Aktuell*New November 2015 

■ Aktuell*New Oct 2015 

■ Aktuell*New Sept 2015 

■ Allied Crimes- AlliierteVerbrechen 

■ "Befreiung" 

■ "Liberation" 

■ Bombs for Valentine's 

■ Das Deutsche Opferlamm (2) 

■ Defamation- Verfemung 

■ Der Falsche Holocaust 

■ Destruction- Zerstoerung 

■ Expulsion and Slaughter in the 
East*Austreibung und 
Schlachten im Osten 

■ Exterminate Germans! 

■ Extreme Hate- Hass 

■ Hass und Vemichtung 

■ Kangaroo Court*Scheingericht 

■ Opferlamm- Lamb Germany 

■ Real Holocausts 

■ Rueckblick 

■ Truth- Wahrheit- Lies- Luegen 

■ What a Racket! 

■ Allies-Aliierte 

■ Belgian- Belgien 

■ Czechnia-Tschechnia 

■ Denmark- Daenemark 

■ England 

■ France- Frankreich 

■ Holland 

■ Hungary- Ungam 

■ Poland- Polen 

■ Polen*Alliierten Wollten Krieg 

■ Roosevelt 

■ Russia- Russland 

■ U.SA. 

■ BRD - Gegen das Volk 

■ Yugoslavia-J ugoslavien 

■ Deutsche Seiten 

■ Did You Know? 

■ End Game 

■ America Like Germany is Going 

■ Choose Death or Life! 

■ Communism America+ 

■ Cured of Cancer All Israelis! 
Gentiles Must Die! 

■ Ein Kampf urns Ueberleben 

■ La Raza Threat 

■ Liberalism 

■ Must Know*Unbedingt 

■ The International Criminal 
Gang is Destroying Us from 

■ Treason- Verrat 

■ White... How Long? Weiss 

■ Free Speech 

■ Free Speech Australia 

■ Free Speech Austria 

■ Free Speech Canada 

■ Free Speech Germany 

■ Free Speech USA 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

■ Kommentare 

■ Other Voices 

■ Quotes- Zitate 

■ Random Thoughts- Gedanken 

■ Silenced 

■ Voices- Stimmen 

■ Witnesses- Zeitzeugen 

■ German Culture 

■ 2, 0 0 0 J ahre Ausrottung der 

■ Aryan- Kings*Arier Gott 

■ Der Mythus*Rosenberg 

■ Germany Before (vor) 1933 

■ GroBe Deutsche 

■ GroBe Germanen 

■ Home Page- Haupt 

■ J ews Want to Exterminate the 
White/ German Race-German- 

■ J ewish Hate Speech 

■ J ewish Suicide Prescription 

■ J ews-J uedische 

■ Judengift 

■ Occult*Freimaurer- 

■ Those Protocols 

■ U. S.-J ewish Law to kill 

■ Wer sind die J uden 

■ Joy*Freude 

■ Liebe Germanen! 

■ Media 

■ Books Videos, Francais, etc. 

■ Buecher- Videos, Franzoesisch, 

■ Nationalsozialisten*Nazis 

■ Adolf Hitler 

■ Lese Mein Kampf 

■ Mother's Day 

■ BilderHitleijugend 

■ Deutsche Soldaten 

■ Goebbels 

■ Goebbels*English 

■ National Socialists (NS) 

■ Some Basic Knowledge 

■ Pictures Deutschland 1900 

■ Please note! Achtung 


■ Essential Sequence 

■ Revolutions 

■ Schuld 2. Weltkrieg 

■ Who Started War-WWI 

■ Who Started WWII 

■ World-Welt 


Action needed 
Aggression art and culture 
Aryan spirit Bombing 
Creating Chaos 





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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Enslaving people 
ethnic cleansing 
Freedom of Speech 
Freezing to death 

oppression Great 

llieil 11 St O health Heilung 

Helden Honor Human 

rights abuse 

Instigation Islam 

J ewish tyranny 

J ews Kriegsursachen Love of 

the people Murder 

Perversion race Racial 

Hate against 
Reden Robbery 
Speeches Starving 
to death Theft 
T Orture Treason 

Usury Videos and Audios 

White man history 

Women World 



Blog Roll 

■ Contact: administrator** 

■ Aktion Freies Deutschland- 
WolfgangJ uchem 

■ Albert Schweitzer Kreis 

■ American Free Press 

■ American Renaissance 

■ Anti- German Hysteria 

■ Anti Holocaust Website - J an. 27 
Sanity instead of Death Camp 

■ Arthur Topham*Radical 

■ Aufstand Gegen die 

J udenheit*Horst Mahler 

■ Barnes Review (TBR) 

■ Bradley Smith, Codoh 

■ Carlos Porter 

■ Carolyn Yeager 

■ Werner Altnickel 

■ Council European Canadian 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

Der Deutsche Osten 

■ Deutsche Lobby I nf o 

■ Die Ein Prozent - Deutschland 

■ DieEuropaeischeAktion 

■ Dr. David Duke 

■ Dr. Lorraine Day Opens Eyes 

■ Dr. Robert 

Faurisson Frangais Engl. 

■ Dr. Wickstrom Arcodeus Reloaded 

■ Dr. Wickstrom Videos 

■ Dr. Wickstrom Radio Talk 

■ EndederLuege 

■ Fred Leuchter 

■ Free State of Danzig 

■ Gedaechtnisstaette-Verein 

■ Gedaechtnisstaette- Video 

■ Gefangene- Political Prisoners 

■ Momentan gesperrt??? Gerd 
Honsik Radio*Oesterreich 

■ German American Pioneers 

■ German Tragedy of Destiniy 

■ German Truth on Vimeo 

■ Gerrnar Rudolf 

■ Guenter Deckert 

■ Hell 

■ History Without The Spin 

■ Holdomor Genocides commited by 
the J ews 

■ Horst Mahler, J urist 

■ J ews Are Not Israelites! They Are 
Imposters! Not children of Shem! 

■ Johnde Nugent 

■ Leo Thenn-Wahrheit fuer 

■ Metapedia multi lingua 

■ Michael Collins Piper Speaks 

■ National Socialists USA 

■ Pedro Varela- Espaha 

■ Political Islam 

■ Revisionism for Dummies 

■ Revisionists 

■ Russlanddeutsche 

■ Sicherheit f. Nationalisten 

■ Sylvia Stolz, J uristin 

■ The Occidental Observer 

■ Truth for Germans 

■ Ursula Haverbeck 

■ Victoms of Zion 

■ Vincent 

Reynouard Frangais Engl. 

ED German Victims 

■ The End: Horrific Electromagnetic 
Weapons Capable of Mass 
Genocide of Citizens 

■ Ende der Menschlichkeit und der 
Menschheit: Grauenhafte 
Mikrowellenwaffen Gegen die 

■ WirWerdenGezieltVergifted? 

Das dachte ich schon lange! 

■ What Benjamin Franklin Said 
About the J ews*Deutsch*English 

■ Fliegerin Hanna Reitsch- Honsik 

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Abolish The White Race By Any Means Necessary! -Ignatiev I German Victims 

German Victims 

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